Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ladder Safety

Most of us use ladders from time to time. However, few of us take time to review the basics of ladder safety. The following guidelines can help those who use ladders to do so properly and prevent injuries.
General Guidelines
• Avoid climbing unless absolutely necessary.
• Select the proper ladder for the job, (i.e., aluminum, wood, fiberglass, step, extension or a straight ladder). For instance, never use an aluminum ladder around electricity.
• Choose a ladder that fits the job. If ladders are too short, people will climb too high leaving them without proper handholds. Ladders that are too long are difficult to handle. They also tend to be erected askew and may be highly unstable.
• Never use a ladder for a purpose that it was not designed for.
• Inspect the ladder’s condition before use. Discard any damaged ladder.
• Wear slip resistant footwear.
• Ladders should be inspected and documented by a competent person on a periodic basis. Items to look for should include:
-Any structural damage such as cracks, bends, kinks or distortions.
-All rungs are in place, secure and free of grease or oil.
-Safety feet are in good condition and functional.
-Any missing parts.
-Working spreaders.
• A ladder should not be placed in doorways, passageways or other locations where it can be disturbed.
• Make sure the ladder is set on a level stable surface.
• A non-self-supporting ladder should be placed at an angle of approximately 75̊. The distance from the wall to the foot of ladder should be about ¼ the ladder’s total length.
• When using a non-self-supporting ladder to access a point to where you will dismount, the ladder should extend at least 3 feet beyond the support point. The ladder should also be lashed as close to the support point as possible.
Climbing and Descending
• Face the ladder while climbing or descending and hold on to it with both hands.
• Always maintain at least a 3-point contact with either two hands and one foot, or two feet and one hand.
• Keep centered on the ladder.
• Never lean beyond the side rails, or move, shift or extend the ladder while on it.
• Never climb past the second step from the top on a stepladder.
• Take one step at a time.
• If tools are needed, use a tool belt or a bucket attached to a hand line.
• Allow one person on a ladder at a time.
Please click here to learn more about OSHA's penalties.

Give Main Street Insurance a call at 435-674-2221 for more information on safety programs or you can e-mail us at

Friday, May 27, 2016

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Happy  Memorial Day

Thank you to all who have served and are serving our great country. We would not be able to enjoy the life we have without you.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Most Common Work Injuries 2015

Most Common Injuries of 2015
As we start 2016, it’s important for employers and employees to review how to make their workplace safer. Your organization can start by focusing on systems and processes that have the greatest potential to cause injury as well as the most common injury types. WCF's 2015 Utah claims data shows:
Eight Most Common Claims from 2015
Click Accident Type for Prevention Guides
  1. Slip and Falls 19%
  2. Cut 18%
  3. Hit Against an Object 17%
  4. General Strain 14%
  5. Strain by Lifting 8%
  6. Caught in Object 5%
  7. Motor Vehicle 3%
  8. Burn 2%
Give us a call at 435-674-2221 or visit us on our website at for more information or to get a quote on workers compensation, general liability, commercial auto, health, life, home, personal auto, surety bonds, etc.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Walk Safe

Injuries due to slips, trips and falls accounted for 18% of Workers Compensation Fund of Utah's claims in 2014 with an average cost of $9,801 per claim. Be safe out there and follow the guidelines below:

For other safety tips or to get a quote on your insurance you can call us at 435-674-2221 or contact us on our website at

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Commercial Auto vs. Personal Auto

We have many people ask us if their personal auto they use for their own business is less expensive on a personal auto policy or a commercial auto policy. Before getting into price here are some items we need to ask to see what policy it SHOULD be on:

How does my insurance company define "commercial use"?

Some insurers define it as transporting goods for compensation or a fee. But, because the definition of “commercial use” varies by company, your agent is the best resource for this answer. Your agent can tell you whether your insurer requires a commercial policy for businesses like these:

  • pizza and newspaper delivery
  • real estate
  • catering
  • door-to-door consulting services
  • landscaping or snowplowing services
  • day care or church van services
What kind of liability limits do I need?

As a business owner, you may want higher liability limits to meet contractual needs or just to better protect the business you’ve built. In general, a commercial auto policy can offer higher liability limits than a personal auto policy.

Does my personal policy cover me for issues specific to my business?

For example, if a trailer damages another vehicle while on a job, a personal liability policy may not cover the repairs. A commercial policy usually will.

I have employees that drive my vehicles. Does my policy cover that?

In general, if other people drive your vehicles for work, you need a commercial auto policy.

Do the passengers or contents in my vehicle matter?

Yes. Vehicles used for picking up or dropping off people or goods, or hauling tools or equipment, probably need a commercial policy.

Do I need certifications or filings?

Documentation requirements—like certificates of insurance or filings for trucking—are generally good indicators that a commercial policy is needed.

Give us a call at 435-674-2221 or e-mail us at and we can help you get the best coverage at the best price based on your specific condition. You can also visit our website at

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Ladder Safety Guidelines

General Guidelines

  • Avoid climbing unless absolutely necessary.
  • Select the proper ladder for the job, (i.e., aluminum, wood, fiberglass, step, extension or a straight ladder). For instance, never use an aluminum ladder around electricity.
  • Choose a ladder that fits the job. If ladders are too short, people will climb too high leaving them without proper handholds. Ladders that are too long are difficult to handle. They also tend to be erected askew and may be highly unstable.
  • Never use a ladder for a purpose that it was not designed for.
  • Inspect the ladder’s condition before use. Discard any damaged ladder.
  • Wear slip-resistant footwear.

  • Ladders should be inspected and documented by a competent person on a periodic basis. Items to look for should include:
    • Any structural damage such as cracks, bends, kinks or distortions.
    • All rungs are in place, secure and free of grease or oil.
    • Safety feet are in good condition and functional.
    • Any missing parts.
    • Working spreaders.

  • Ladders should not be placed in doorways, passageways or other locations where it can be disturbed.
  • Make sure the ladder is set on a level, stable surface.
  • A non-self-supporting ladder should be placed at an angle of approximately 75 degrees. The distance from the wall to the foot of ladder should be about one fourth the ladder’s total length.
  • When using a non-self-supporting ladder to access a point to where you will dismount, the ladder should extend at least three feet beyond the support point. The ladder should also be lashed as close to the support point as possible.
Climbing and Descending

  • Face the ladder while climbing or descending and hold on to it with both hands.
  • Always maintain at least a three-point contact with either two hands and one foot, or two feet and one hand.
  • Keep centered on the ladder.
  • Never lean beyond the side rails, or move, shift or extend the ladder while on it.
  • Never climb past the second step from the top on a stepladder.
  • Take one step at a time.
  • If tools are needed, use a tool belt or a bucket attached to a hand line.
  • Allow one person on a ladder at a time.
Remember that the ladder is a tool to assist in getting the job done, just like a wrench or screwdriver. Focusing on the task that necessitates using a ladder, while ignoring the tool, is a primary cause of ladder injuries. Climbing and descending a ladder must be a zero mistake activity. You can’t afford an error in judgment.

Give Main Street Insurance a call at 435-674-2221 for more safety tips for whatever type of business you have.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

10 Things to Know About Boats and Marinas

Spring is fast approaching and with that the water sports will be coming soon. Here is an interesting article for all you boaters out there. 10 Things to Know About Boats & Marinas
March 2, 2015:
  1. Recreational boating in 2013 accounted for 4,062 accidents that involved 560 deaths; 2,620 injuries; and approximately $39 million dollars of property damage. —United States Coast Guard (USCG)
  2. Compared to 2012, the number of boating accidents decreased by 10 percent in 2013; the number of deaths decreased 14 percent; and the number of injuries decreased 12.7 percent. —United States Coast Guard (USCG)
  3. Most marine policies offer pollution coverage, which is a very important coverage to have if the boat sinks and spills oil or fuel. Especially on larger boats, most marinas are now requiring evidence or proof of pollution coverage. All types of pollution and/or fuel spill losses can cause a lot of damage to the environment. — Kim Loos, Personal Lines Underwriting, American Modern Insurance Group
  4. The top five primary contributing factors to boating accidents in 2013 were: operator inattention, improper lookout, operator inexperience, excessive speed and machinery failure. —United States Coast Guard (USCG)
  5. Boat and yacht owners should have Agreed Value vs. Actual Cash Value (ACV). If the vessel suffers a total loss on an ACV form, the owner will receive the current market value, which could be thousands of dollars less than what was paid for the boat. Agreed Value is a set amount and not a depreciated amount at time of loss. —Kim Loos, St. Louis Marine Service Center from American Modern
  6. Wreck removal is another needed coverage. If a boat sinks the owner may be required to have the wreck removed from a navigable waterway. —Kim Loos, St. Louis Marine Service Center from American Modern
  7. There were 5,537 watercraft thefts in the U.S. in 2013, down 6 percent from 2012, with jet skis being the most frequently stolen watercraft. — Insurance Information Institute
  8. 40 percent of the thefts in 2013 were recovered by April 30, 2014 —Insurance Information Institute
  9. The 10 states with the highest boating thefts in 2013, according to the I.I.I., were: Florida (1,310), California (628), Texas (382), Washington (208), Georgia (182), North Carolina (178), Tennessee (167), Alabama (165), Arkansas (157) and South Carolina (151). —Insurance Information Institute
  10. It was estimated that 25,000 boats in New Jersey were damaged during Hurricane Sandy, at a cost of $242 million. —Insurance Information Institute.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

More Uninsured Drivers Likely to be Towed in Utah - Article

December 31, 2014
SALT LAKE CITY — Uninsured drivers on Utah roadways can expect to have their cars impounded on the spot under a new law taking effect Thursday. Utah police have had the option to pull over an uninsured driver and impound their car since 2008, but the new law will require it unless there's a safety concern. Despite Utah's relatively low rate of uninsured drivers, state Sen. Lyle Hillyard, a Logan Republican who sponsored the law, said it's "a worthwhile price for the greater good" of making sure uninsured drivers don't cause a financial burden to others if they get in an accident.

In 2012, Utah had the fourth-lowest rate of uninsured drivers in the country at 5.8 percent, according data from the Insurance Research Council. Hillyard estimates Utah's rate is now closer to 3 percent, but he said the law is still needed to further crack down on those driving without coverage. 

The law gives officers discretion so they're not seizing every car, he said. The law has exceptions if the officer is concerned that seizing the vehicle would be a safety concern to the driver or any occupants or keep the officer from addressing any other public safety matters.

"It gives them more of an incentive to impound the car, but it has a lot of protection in there," Hillyard said. "For example, if it's an unsafe position or if you've got a mom and some little kids there, those kinds of things, it would protect them from doing that." 

Law enforcement officers would have to check the person against a state database of uninsured drivers. If the driver insists they have insurance, the officer must make "a reasonable attempt" to verify if the person is covered, such as calling the insurance agency. 

To read the full article go to:

Call Main Street Insurance at 435-674-2221 to get a quote on auto insurance!